Maymunah Nasution
19 min readOct 29, 2021

Once Upon a Coronavirus

Photo by René Ranisch on Unsplash

On the off chance that all what occurs, occurred, occurring, for sure will occur on the planet is a period occasion, then, at that point, clearly Covid-19 is one additional time when everything simply stops and everybody is either tainted, immunized, or bite the dust. Everybody was too occupied to even consider living or simply hold tight until some way or another sentiment is practically ethereal. It felt uncommon to meet espresso dates, morning walk and other charm in Covid-19 period.

Obviously, wedding was yet happened, and marriage tracked down another shading as their advantages. Be that as it may, romantic tale is weaken, some even think finding love in pandemic period was ridiculous. No big surprise, because of the relative multitude of limitations, finding organization could be just about as troublesome as finding emergency clinic for asymptomatic Covid-19 patients in Indonesia during its subsequent wave: it’s problematic, unfaltering, and sketchy.

Yet at the same time, for Aster, expecting another sentiment for her life was still better for confronting the incertitude of the new illness. All things considered, since her split with her sweetheart, Daisuke, which likewise cuts off her significant distance friendship, Aster accepted that she wants another affection, love which for the present can be affirmed with her touch or an immediate gathering. Some piece of her missed the excessive of being near somebody as simple as breakfast date or espresso meeting. What’s more, she expected to ensure the following relationship she has would give her sureness. Daisuke was an ideal sweetheart: beguiling, attractive (With dim blue eyes and tall stance, Aster couldn’t decline his charms), gives her all consideration she needs. But Daisuke doesn’t have faith in marriage, the one thing she baffled at him.

Without a doubt, she miscounted a few things. She met Daisuke when she was an expat in Japan, yet they separated when she was in Indonesia. Not really settled to find somebody in her nation of origin, which turns out isn’t quite as simple as meeting Daisuke. Indeed, even the men in her office didn’t give her an appeal she wants from the man. It settled the score more awful when she should telecommute to stay away from Covid-19 spreading.

Detachment could be unfeeling, that is the thing that Covid-19 educated to everybody. When in isolation, Aster couldn’t quit looking through her web-based media despite the fact that she detests online media. On Twitter, she found individuals can meet effectively with a more odd and afterward some way or another become companions or a darling. She delayed from the get go, hesitant to acquaint herself with more interesting that she knows simply by their username and symbol which is additionally not their character. She found individuals frequently being mysterious in web-based media, presumably it makes the bond all the more in disguise, yet she can’t do that. Virtual issues feel like a trick for her, and in disguise personality just makes it more hid, which as opposed to her has faith in relationship which prior to getting too profound, one should be straightforward to another. In any case, a well-disposed hello is vigorously charming for her, and before she knew, she attempts to meet a renewed individual via web-based media. Twitter is the spot she goes to meet each other, however at that point she considers dating application: Tinder, Tantan, or something different.

It was horrendous from the get go, the one whom she intrigued with was hesitant of her, and the person who was intrigued with her was not entertaining for her. Until one day she met Gumilang. What’s more, Gumilang was nearly all that she wants.

On the off chance that every one of the men Aster met after Daisuke were fairly exhausting and not satisfying her, Gumilang was opposite of all her reluctancy. He was dulcet like Daisuke, interesting, entertaining, however what makes her like him more than anything was he sees every one of Aster’s similitudes. Gumilang understands what Aster peruses — which is bounty, not normal for different men who says they read what Aster peruses just to make the discussion alive. Aster and Gumilang would talk for quite a long time, and in one video call they looked each other with skepticisms in light of the fact that both couldn’t accept how comparable their pastime is. Gumilang was appealing for Aster, and indeed her want for knowledge man was practically satisfied. However, there was a monster warning in Gumilang which she was unable to abstain from seeing.

Gumilang hadn’t completed his school at this point at the time he met her. At the point when he met her, he was as yet in college, concentrating on Dance and Art. Aster basically persuaded herself that it wouldn’t be a difficulty, until one day it was an issue. There were times when Gumilang didn’t call her or text her and it had turned into an issue for her. Where right? Asks all her occasions Gumilang was on his telephone. He said he was caught up with going to class or rehearsing or anything in the middle. She needed to meet in light of the fact that their old neighborhood isn’t a long way from one another, however he continued to say: ‘no, he doesn’t have time’; ‘no, it’s not the ideal opportunity’.

What’s more, once, Gumilang said; ‘at some point, universe will let us know the perfect opportunity to meet one another’. It appeared to be so delicious, yet Aster before long acknowledged it has become excessively glossed over and what he implied was he would not like to meet her. Which makes her felt so dumb, on the grounds that why she had let her gatekeeper comes so shallow? She ought to have acknowledged, on the grounds that he’s charming and entertaining doesn’t mean he cherishes her. Since he gets what’s happening within her skulls doesn’t mean he needs to comprehend it until the end of time. Since it seems like a congruity and he feels like home for her, doesn’t mean he’s the one.

Aster before long understood that the warning she felt wasn’t a direct result of his school status, but since Gumilang appeared to hide something different as well. Aster fail to really see what’s within his imagination and what his insight was. When Gumilang said to sit tight or to give space for him, Aster felt like why she ought to be the one giving distance, in case they weren’t so much as a thing? However, he said that they met at an off-base time, not reasonable. As indicated by Aster, regardless of whether it was an off-base time, they ought to sincerely attempt to be there for one another. Gumilang gave a similarity for Aster that he was concealing his actual psyche, and why? Moreover, it would be simpler if he didn’t bother her in any case. She was exceptionally fine if Gumilang abandoned them, just it showed up such a destruction in regards to every one of his endeavours. Who needed the principal text? Who needed the main call? Who needed to become more acquainted with additional? Why he fled like a chicken when she says she needs to meet him?

In this way, before she got struggled, she quit moving toward him and trying to herself that she didn’t require any relationship at the present time. Then, at that point, reality calls.

The impossible to miss Covid-19 had contaminated her family house. Her sister-in-law is an attendant, and she got Covid-19 from the work environment on Indonesia’s subsequent wave, and in brief time frame her sibling got tainted as well. Aster understood that her dad could be straightaway. Shouldn’t something be said about her? Since she didn’t live in the family house any longer, Aster had an opportunity to save herself. Neither couldn’t see thinks whatever else at that point. Her dad had experienced coronary illness for quite a while, since the time Aster was conceived, most likely. Presently, with Covid-19 was sneaking to assault her dad, she was apprehensive in case it’s inevitable for her dad to grow much more terrible.

Also, she was no off-base, it just required two days for her dad to get sick, with no opportunity to improve. From that point forward, she was unable to work, she was unable to eat, she was unable to rest. She went through days in her room figuring what could occur straightaway. Her companions were stressed over her, they didn’t have a clue what to do to brighten her up or make her rational once more. Obviously, at the time like this she can’t muster enough willpower to care with each man offering heart for her, which were only a couple unlike there was an extensive rundown for it.

However, destiny, however terrible as it could be, will consistently occurs, and on par with what it is, will consistently occurs too. On one bleak evening, the report about her dad was showing up. He was gone, for good. His advanced age and feeble body couldn’t battle the infection any longer. How miserable, exactly how long Aster and her families attempt to make him in a decent shape, yet Covid just destroyed it just in matter of days, squashing his bone, lungs, and his resistance framework.

Her dad passed on in the clinic, he was there for two days in particular, and Aster was the person who conveyed him into the lift that brought him into his room with the attendants. That was the farthest for patient’s family to enter the medical clinic. Emergency clinic around then resembled a war zone, and specialists and medical caretakers were the mounted force. Furthermore, when her dad left her for great, Gumilang returned for saying sympathies. Obviously, it drove Aster mad. However, she was unable to quit thinking why Gumilang made statements that he said. Beside sympathies and expressions of remorse, he additionally informed her concerning concealing truth from her, and he wasn’t the most fair man. All in all, Aster was directly about he was concealing truth, presently, what truth, at any rate? Aster couldn’t get what lies underneath the words he said to her, and who he truly was. If by some stroke of good luck web-based gathering is pretty much as simple as usual gathering. Aster took in the hard truth that the in secret in internet meeting isn’t just for the character, yet in addition for the cognizance. In this way, why bother of those profound talk or extreme sharing if their insight were manufactured? Likely, Gumilang’s expectation was likewise phony, or their actual judgment lies in a few countenances of them. This pattern clearly wasn’t ideal for everybody, including Aster. At last, she chose to quit utilizing dating application however for regarding the individuals who had knowing her for a little while, she stayed in contact with them.

Things being what they are, what about Gumilang?

Gumilang was a unique case for Aster. However, she was unable to risk her life or her heart. Henceforth, his talk was filed. Much to her dismay when it was filed; another section is destined to be uncovered.

Aster had never pondered her inclination completely. Was it fervour, or love, or maybe just dejection? Of course, she was keen on Gumilang, the manner in which he made her giggle with his smart jokes, or how he praised Aster by saying her cunning was what truly makes her persona, engaging, yet additionally inexpressible. He said that he was aching to hobnob her since he feels they could bring the best of one another. Yet, was it actually that way? Or on the other hand would it just be his glossed over words to make her ripples and aching for him to an ever-increasing extent? The interest made Aster to investigating the universe of following, not the genuine significance but rather she was before long searching for something uncommon with regards to this unconventional individual on his web-based media. Likely it was discourteous, however they met online in any case so better utilize the foundation to discover more. His Instagram was the one giving within story she wanted.

He had another person.

Aster wasn’t burning through her chance to looking into the young lady. He was involved with another person, that was what she had to know since it wasn’t about a contest to win his heart. It was concerning what significant for her: trustworthiness. Maybe, pull up their interaction wasn’t simply a simple opportunity to give him a room, yet in addition a commitment before Aster bouncing into an issue… which was something she would loathe. Presumably, she was saving herself, which she was thankful for.

Times passes by, and interestingly Aster should find entertainment from her other routine like working or simply living. At long last, she found it by her side interest: cooking. Beginning from little cooking exercises, Aster was stunned to realize that she truly appreciates it in those days and presently. Also, in light of the fact that she had such a lot of time in isolation despite the fact that she should telecommute, she could save her opportunity to make some food plans and offer it on the web. Those action gave her entertainment and less an ideal opportunity to contemplate Gumilang. At last, she met others, on the web or in person. What’s more, she had when she failed to remember that Gumilang was existed.

However, not really for long, all things considered, this part was just another section for them.

She was unable to quit missing Gumilang’s Instagram Stories since he was dynamic for some time there. However at that point he was gone, until one day he made one story, thus, Aster opened it. It said that he changed his telephone number. Gracious, how engaging. Did he at last overpower by that load of furious texts from all his exes? Aster couldn’t quit contemplating that, part of the way since she discovered that Gumilang had such a large number of exes until he was called as a playboy by his genuine companions and acquittances. In any case, Aster was charmed to save his new number, since a piece of her needed to slap him metaphorically, by her cruel words. She pondered what she would say to Gumilang, in any event, putting together the sentences for quite a long time. At the point when she at last sent the talk to him, he didn’t peruse the visit.

Along these lines, it’s likely over now, as she pondered internally, until he answered to her.

His answers weren’t normal by Aster, since Aster didn’t see his answer going to her, all with trustworthiness that it had brought.

Dear Aster, I trust this will not disturb you, you were directly about everything. I have another person. You merit such a ton better than just me. I can ensure you’ll be in peril with me since I have intercourse enslavement and it will not do any great to you, I know you’re not somebody like me. Please accept my apologies for everything…

By one way or another, that load of Aster’s old recollections continued to return. She should had thought about things like this since she had met somebody like this previously. Prior to Daisuke, there was somebody who was additionally Aster’s dull past. He was somewhat poisonous yet the most feeling sick of their relationship was he was physically dependent. Aster is a moderate individual, after the entirety of she’s a Muslim and sex is permitted uniquely for wedded couple. Yet, her ex constrained her, and there was one day when she was nearly lost her virginity. He was utilizing all his appeal to charm Aster, and they had done kissing, snuggling, and all that had become foggy for Aster. At the point when he constrained Aster to accomplish more, she said no, one thing that makes them self-destructed. Did she hurt? Obviously, yet it was and still preferred rather over losing her virginity.

Unfortunately, that poisonous relationship left a major scar for Aster. Aster fostered a major trust issue and instability, which at long last was decreased a lot of when she was with Daisuke. She was gaslighted, and she had acknowledged different quietness treatment, and he was playing casualty each time they had any contention and accusing Aster once more. Those warning weren’t exists in Gumilang, except if that Aster truly felt like he was ghosting her and concealing something from her lastly, Gumilang opened his cards about his relationship with another person and about his unusual conduct, while being ghosted by Gumilang had made her to continually yearning for reproducing their most recent communications. Rest call, messaging or sharing images were simply came out normally and Aster truly cherished that, so why they should meet if no decent at their destiny?

Aster knew, managing somebody with sex enslavement was difficult. Yet, a piece of her doesn’t irate with regards to Gumilang’s genuine nature. As far as she might be concerned, admitting things like that to a lady he scarcely knew should be more diligently. Aster was only apprehensive with regards to her past injury, about her dim past: how she was apprehensive yet somewhat inquisitive with regards to sex yet in the end even after she was being contacted, it wouldn’t give any fulfilment and just made her scared. Along these lines, she told everything to Gumilang, regarding how those experience was anything but a fun time for herself and how she felt apprehensive rather than glad after she was contacted, in light of the fact that she had an off-base outlook on it: the accomplice, the time, the doing, they were simply not developing her.

Incredibly for Aster, Gumilang truly comprehended her conditions and the two of them concluded that it wasn’t the ideal opportunity for separating the two different ways. Aster brought up that she possibly needed kinship in case that was the main thing he could offer, and Gumilang couldn’t serve to kidding about the advantage of being companions, which was declined by Aster. Yet, on his genuine note, he needed to simply walk one next to the other, keeping her on a decent term in light of the fact that eventually in the event that they’ll intended to be, he was unable to be more joyful. By one way or another, for Aster, he seemed like telling truth around then, so she decided to trust that Gumilang, beside his unusual conduct, is a decent individual who have a fantasy being an artist and their conversations about craftsmanship, culture and history is the thing that is important for one another.

Aster was very stunned given by her wasn’t actually astounded with regards to Gumilang. Like it was said previously, he was her uncommon case, Aster realized he wasn’t being straightforward and presently after at last being straightforward with her, she could conclude that Gumilang is as yet a decent individual somewhere inside. She chose not to pass judgment, and that was stunning to her. She was very much like this when she met her old-ex, and it refuted that her judgment was, however this time, she could feel it, that making a decision about Gumilang as an old buddy, no damage could do anything to her. On the off chance that Daisuke had assisted her with acquiring certainty after her separation and caused her to accept indeed that she was worth more when her self esteem was so low, Gumilang was gradually yet sure assisting her with acquiring trust and aiding her bringing the best of her. Be that as it may, this, obviously, was seen by Aster way long after this piece of her life.

Covid had made Aster reevaluating about the motivation behind life, about feeling associated. At the point when she was as yet in young, she felt that fellowship is elusive, and it made her need to have such countless companions. She didn’t understand that a few companions concealed their actual expectations. Furthermore, unfortunately, she never understood that a portion of her companions truly hate her. However, a piece of it wasn’t her shortcoming. They despised her because of her childhood. Of course, she’s intrusive, snoopy, with her exceptional way of hello everybody, some may even think she is excessively agreeable to others, and here and there, she’s obscure. Yet, on the great term, Aster is somebody with glowing soul. She’s well disposed, shrewd, realizes when to utilize mockery or pessimistic in a discussion, and lovely, or perhaps, that was her opinion on herself. She could peruse room like a magazine, understanding the errand to be classy exactly when it’s required, a long time after long and hard preparing and looking at the manners. Presumably it was excessively long for Aster to be seen as poor, monstrous, and effusive individual which made her persona was so dull and when she at last has the engaging appearance, individuals who could see that was very irregular for her. Furthermore, she was unable to find somebody who inspired by her perspective.

How unexpected, when she wasn’t acceptable at pulling her appearance, individuals figured her brain wasn’t significant in light of the fact that she didn’t have the look, however when she could improve for her style, individuals were simply drawn to that, not to her perception. This was the reason most likely being in secret or present for all intents and purposes on friendly experience had assisted her with evening however she didn’t partake in the patterns. She could distinguish in the event that somebody truly intrigued with her or not just by her discussions. Strangely, a significant number of her companions whom she thought would intrigue with her thoughts weren’t simply intrigued. Along these lines, Aster was appreciative to meet Gumilang. They share something practically speaking, as though two wonderful vintage soul finishing one another. Aster conceded she was intrigued if she could have a greater amount of Gumilang, more than companionship, or there will be consequences. Yet, love is multidimensional: instead of suffocating yourself how things should function, most likely human necessities to focus at how things would deal with their own reality.

Aster reminded herself again regarding what brings her into web-based dating, right away, she needed another affection, yet where it counts, she’s frightened on the off chance that she will not get any marriage as extravagant as her companions. However, those sentiments presently were set to the side after she understood with regards to association of soul and perception: however much she needs a white outfit for her quickly, she feared wedding some unacceptable individual, or winds up despondently and past the point where it is possible to leave for herself. She needed to settle however on the opposite side she knows to never effectively settle, and she wants to step up her principles.

Does this mean she would pursue Gumilang? No.

Perhaps dialing back was what she wanted.

Possibly it was an ideal opportunity to cut off her too graceful friendship before it got excessively profound. Aster acknowledged, expecting another sentiment in one spring day didn’t mean she wants to surge a thing, all things considered, Covid-19 was all the while hiding in the shadow, one thing which reminded her, stop, think back and partake in her isolation was additionally another diverse experience. What’s more, she didn’t actually at isolation since she has transformed Gumilang into somebody she could just wish: a companion.

Presently, a long time after the pandemic had annihilated the world and immunization was found and group invulnerability was framed, Aster sits at an agreeable corner in her most loved coffeeshop. It was a radiant evening in her town, and she is perusing her duplicate of Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Novels and Stories. It’s her new book, a present from Gumilang for her 28th birthday celebration. How thought of, likely to think, since it should be elusive the get the copy the book. Be that as it may, for Aster, Gumilang plainly has made a point there.

At 9 o’clock, the coffeeshop entryway is opened, by in all honesty Gumilang.

“Hello Aster, I’m not late, am I?”

“Incredibly, no. goodness, Gumilang, purchase a wristwatch!”

“Why? I can depend the clock on my telephone.”

“What’s more, is it turn on at this point?”

“No,” then, at that point, she chuckles, which makes Gumilang snickers as well. They request an espresso for them and afterward they’re getting profound into a discussion.

“You obviously have tried giving me this book, Gumilang. I see now how you need me to quit looking at Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes.”

“Change is good, darling.”

At long last, after 30 minutes, they leave the coffeeshop and stroll to the closest bus station. They are making a beeline for a similar bearing.

“How’s your understudy you let me know a day or two ago?” Aster asks him. Gumilang sneers, “She at last has dominating Gambyong Dance. It was so difficult to show her, I tell you.”

“Goodness, you managed your work then, at that point! Congrats!”

“Gracious, what about your manager? As yet compelling you to compose sentiment?”

“Indeed, yet I will not make it an issue for me. I will be skilled to compose sentiment, Gumilang. Simply stand by.”

“Is it that hard?”


“To compose a sentiment, wasn’t it your beloved kind?”

“It was it actually is. However, I can’t sort out the idea I’m pursuing at present,” she says with looking him at the eyes, making him to see his shoes. “Indeed, how sentiment affects you?”

“Sentiment to me is a multidimensional idea. Sentiment could be about a couple, or a sweetheart, or perhaps about me and my perished guardians, or about you and me, a genuine companion for one another.”

“What about adoration?”


“Indeed, what is love that you need to be a major part of your life?”

“Well, would you truly like to know?”

“Indeed, obviously.”

“All things considered, what I need is an adoration that gives me justification behind sprucing up. Love that loaded with fervour yet in addition as tranquil as day break, likewise, I really wanted somebody who might drag me from my suffocating and outcast stage. It very well may be pretty much as clear as one radiant day like this, or as illegal as living in North Korea.”


Aster checks out him squarely in his eyes. “Also, Gumilang, one thing without a doubt.”


“I need a good man who might call me in a day rather than 12 PM and building my super durable future with him.”

“Hello, presently, for what reason would you say you are saying that to me?”

“All things considered, I need you to know my norm. That way, you can ensure which one is the genuine affection for me.”

“Is it accurate to say that you are certain you didn’t say that to reminds me to change the manner in which I am?”

“Who am I requesting that you change? It’s your life. I would prefer not to interfere anything, to make sure you know, I will be close by to be your companions.”

Gumilang jeers once more.

“Theoretically, on the off chance that I change and be a fair man, do I get an opportunity to be with you, building long-lasting future and all the other things?”

“Well, theoretically, yes. However, how might you have asked me that when you’re a respectable man?”


“Indeed. You’re an instructor, getting up promptly toward the beginning of the day consistently, reasonably enough to stroll with me around evening time, no messing about with anyone, nobody end table relationship, isn’t simply nice?”

“You… you truly imply that?”

“Obviously. All in all, for what reason haven’t you asked me out?”

Gumilang grins. He was unable to accept he had at any point wished this lady to disappear. Presently, the world feels going to disintegrate in the event that he can’t see those wonderful, astonishing eyes, or her comforting grin, disappearing all inconveniences he has. From that day on, he guarantees himself and her he will that he will be man of his words. No additional concealing privileged insights from Aster.

“Rather than it, Aster, how about we get married… “

Maymunah Nasution
Maymunah Nasution

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